Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Road trippin'

Image from
I'm taking a mini trip this weekend to see a friend in Naples. Florida, not Italy. I may be going to Naples, Italy next year though! Press your thumbs, as my friend in Germany always says! (It's the same thing as crossing your fingers.)  Back but to the trip this weekend: It'll be a nice, sunny (I'm being optimistic, people! The Secret works!) drive to the other side of the state.

When I was in high school, my family drove to visit my sister in college every year. It was about a 14 hour drive, I believe. So every year, I made mix tapes (and I just dated myself!) to help make the trip more bearable.

Later on when I went to college and eventually grad school, I started making mixed CDs (see, we've moved up!) of my own for the trips. I literally made a new one every semester, and they're named things like "Christmas [Insert Year]."

Anyway, I was just thinking about all this. Maybe I'll make a playlist for my iPod (this blog post could just be about upgrades in music technology -- lol!) just for this trip.

What would you put on a road trip playlist?

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